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Colorful Eggs for Easter - try an impressive recipe like from Instagram

Colorful Eggs for Easter

A simple and quick recipe for delicious eggs - perfect for not only the Easter table.

What do we need?

- 6 eggs,
- 2-3 large beets,
- half a cup of vinegar


What do we do?
  1. First, peel the beets and cut them into smaller pieces. 
  2. Pour a liter of boiling water over them. Add vinegar.
  3. Then cook them for about 30 minutes.
  4. Cool the resulting broth (having previously removed the beets, as they won't be needed).
  5. In the meantime, boil the eggs hard separately. Cool them as well. 
  6. After peeling them from the shell, put them in our beet broth for about 30 minutes.
  7. This procedure will create a beautiful, pink border. If you want to achieve an even stronger color effect, simply leave the eggs in the broth longer. 

Then, you need to cut them into halves.
Just add a little salt and dill...  voila! 


Our proposal looks really impressive. What are your recipes for Easter eggs? We'd love to try them out  🙂