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Urban Home

Urban Home is not just comfortable apartments. It's primarily the heart of a close-knit community.

Let's create a place together where you'll feel at home!

We're all about fostering connections among our residents. That's why we provide a variety of exciting activities for our tenants to enjoy together. Whether you're coming from just around the corner or from a different corner of the world, Urban Home is the place where you'll meet like-minded people who share your lifestyle. 


Join us in doing something wonderful!

At Urban Home, there are plenty of opportunities to take care of yourself and others. All you have to do is get involved in our initiatives. Dive into gardening, go for an active dog walk, or immerse yourself in outdoor yoga. Perhaps we can spend time together in our green communal spaces, watch a movie, and play some games? We're eager to bring various ideas to life, so you can truly feel at home.

Chill with your friends

Relax on the grass, savor delicious food from food trucks, groove to the music, enjoy the aroma of a barbecue, and watch movies under the starry sky. Sounds great, right? But that's not all! Don't forget, you can invite your friends to Urban Home events, as it's a guarantee of a fantastic time. We love it when our tenants happily spend their time here and treat Urban Home as their home away from home.


Connect with people from around the world!

Is Poland a new country for you? You'll quickly acclimate here. Among the residents of Urban Home, you'll meet individuals from various nationalities. If you enjoy exploring new cultures and engaging in inspiring conversations, we invite you to neighborhood events and our shared common areas. You'll see - you'll swiftly establish new international friendships.

Explore new business horizons!

Collaborative work has the extraordinary power of bringing people together. That's a fact! So, discover our dedicated co-working spaces. Here, amidst aromatic coffee, you'll not only focus on your tasks but also build valuable professional connections. A brilliant idea for a new venture? Who knows, perhaps a new business concept will be born right here at Urban Home!


Everyday life full of authentic relationships

Imagine spending time at unique events where laughter and fun are part of everyday life. You can get to know people who might become lifelong friends! Be a part of a community that together creates unforgettable memories.


We're close to our residents. Always.

Ikony.svg-40 The tenant manager ensures care for the occupant Our tenant caretaker is there to address any of your rental-related questions. Not sure where to find a good place to eat in the area or how to get somewhere? You can count on us in such matters.  
ochrona 24h We solve problems 24/7 Power outage in the middle of the night? Misplaced your apartment key card? Just give us a call. In emergencies, we provide assistance 24 hours a day.  
CCTV-1 We prioritize tenant safety Feel secure in our community. The common areas of our neighborhoods and buildings are continuously monitored, and there's a concierge at the entrance.  



Rent an apartment and join our community

Submit the form and we will contact you to answer all of your questions. We'll help you choose your ideal apartment.